Financial proof for the study permit

One crucial factor when applying for a study permit is providing financial proof, as it often serves as the basis for rejected applications. This article contains key information that will help you avoid mistakes in your application.

It is essential to understand that the study permit process is lengthy, and you should inform yourself and pay attention to small details such as expiration dates, document reliability, and the drafting of your explanatory letter, among others.

Above all, remember that each case is different. You may have the same evidence as your cousin or friend, which worked for them but may not work for you.


Often, IRCC refuses many applications due to errors made in students’ files. Some fail to understand the need to prove their ability to cover study and living expenses, which amount to approximately $13,500 in Quebec. These fees will cover housing, food, transportation, etc.


You must demonstrate and prove that you have the necessary funds to cover your tuition fees, living expenses for the entire duration of your stay, and transportation costs (round trip to your home country). If your sponsor is an aunt, for example, you must provide evidence establishing the genuine relationship, and once that person has written a letter of support, it must be notarized.

Before even mentioning the necessary documents to prove your sponsor’s financial means, it is crucial to remember that you must provide an explanatory letter with your application. This letter will help the officer understand who you are, your goals, and why you want to come and study in Canada.

What evidence do you need?


Undoubtedly, you may wonder why providing proof of financial resources is so important. You must demonstrate that you can support your own needs and those of your accompanying family members while in Canada, including your spouse and children, if applicable.

You can prove that you have financial resources through:



Proof of a bank account in Canada under your name, if you have transferred money to Canada.

Certificate of Guaranteed Investment (CGI) from a participating Canadian financial institution.

Proof of a student or education loan issued by a bank.

Bank statements from the past four months.

A bank draft that can be converted into Canadian dollars.

Proof of payment for tuition and housing.

A letter from the person or school providing you with financial support.

Proof of funds transferred to Canada if you have a scholarship or are part of a Canada-funded study program.

My advice to you is to avoid being too hasty and take your time to properly prepare your application.


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