Sponsor a loved one

It is possible to sponsor one’s spouse, common-law partner, partner, or child if the following conditions are met:


Being 18 years of age or older.

Being a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada, or a person registered in Canada as an Indian under the Indian Act of Canada. If you are a Canadian citizen living outside the country, you must demonstrate your intention to live in Canada when the individuals you wish to sponsor become permanent residents. If you are a permanent resident living outside of Canada, you cannot sponsor someone.


Being able to meet the basic needs of the individuals you wish to sponsor without receiving social assistance for reasons other than disability.

If you live outside of Quebec, promising to financially support the sponsored persons for a specific period and to repay any provincial social assistance received by those individuals. The sponsored family members must also agree to assume certain responsibilities during the commitment period.

If you live in Quebec, meeting the sponsorship requirements of Quebec for immigration and signing an undertaking with the province of Quebec.

In most cases, there is no income requirement to sponsor a spouse, common-law partner, partner, or dependent child unless the sponsored dependent child has their own dependent child(ren), or if the sponsored spouse, partner, or common-law partner has a dependent child(ren) who also has their own dependent child(ren). The instructions for completing the Financial Evaluation form explain how much money is required and how to fill out the form.


It is important to note that certain conditions can prevent the sponsorship of a spouse, common-law partner, partner, or child, including being under 18 years old, not planning to live in Canada when the sponsored persons become permanent residents, not being a Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada, or a person registered in Canada as an Indian, being a temporary resident, having previously submitted a sponsorship application, or not having sufficient funds to support the sponsored persons. Additionally, if you were sponsored as a spouse, common-law partner, or partner and became a permanent resident less than five years ago, or if you are still financially responsible for a previous spouse, common-law partner, or partner whom you sponsored, it may be impossible to sponsor your spouse, common-law partner, or partner.


Furthermore, if you have already submitted a sponsorship application for the same person, you cannot submit a new application unless the first process has been canceled or the person in question has obtained permanent residence and has not lost it for less than one year.


Finally, it is important to emphasize that sponsorship is a significant responsibility, and careful consideration should be given before undertaking this process. The sponsor is obligated to financially support the sponsored person for a specific period and must abide by the sponsorship agreement. Failing to fulfill these obligations can have significant consequences, including impacting the financial situation of the sponsored person and their permanent resident status.


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